Wednesday, June 16, 2010

False Dawn #7: Lights Out Part One Story Story Edition

False Dawn #7: “Lights Out”
Part One of Three: Up in Flames
Short Story Format
Devin Leigh Michaels


I’m not one to hate. Really, I’m not. I have it out for the Skadoian Warriors for obvious reasons. I’m not really keen on the former president. I don’t even dislike Darth Vader. He was just misunderstood.

But I hate Reger.

And Lance doesn’t.

And that annoys the hell out of me.

Maybe I should start from the beginning.

False Dawn #7: Comic Book Script

False Dawn #7: “Lights Out”
Part One of Three: Up in Flames
Comic Book Script—Plot for 22 Pages
Devin Leigh Michaels

The crew tries to avoid apprehension by a different type of police, and they get help from an unsuspected ally. The real problem? Ral really hates Reger McClaren. The worse part—Lance doesn’t.